Columbia Coca Caused the Destruction of Tropical Forest
"They drive the hybrid car, do recycling from Monday to Friday, at Friday night party, they take some coca, and said they try to protect the environment....." told by the Vice President of Columbia at United Nations University.
The Vice President made an excellent presentation on the Drug problem and lost of biodiversity in his country, Columbia. He said that
"One gram of coca caused the destruction of 4 metersquare of Columbia tropical forest. Which is one of the riches biodiversity hot spot in the world."
The drug problem in Columbia is not only affecting their national security, but a big price on their natural environment. The illegal coca plantation in Columbia has been evolved in a very fast speed, and now the planter manage to increase the production almost 50% with the worst pesticide and fertilizer. It not only destroy the tropical forest but left with very serious pollution problem.
However, coca comsumption has been increasing at Europe, and people think it is just a innocent drug, not like the herion. What the coca consumer do not know is they cause a serious environmental and security price for where it origin. If current trend is not control, similar problem might repeat at the tropical Africa.
The coca farmer illegally cleared the tropical forest for the plantation.
"They drive the hybrid car, do recycling from Monday to Friday, at Friday night party, they take some coca, and said they try to protect the environment....." told by the Vice President of Columbia at United Nations University.
The Vice President made an excellent presentation on the Drug problem and lost of biodiversity in his country, Columbia. He said that
"One gram of coca caused the destruction of 4 metersquare of Columbia tropical forest. Which is one of the riches biodiversity hot spot in the world."
The drug problem in Columbia is not only affecting their national security, but a big price on their natural environment. The illegal coca plantation in Columbia has been evolved in a very fast speed, and now the planter manage to increase the production almost 50% with the worst pesticide and fertilizer. It not only destroy the tropical forest but left with very serious pollution problem.
However, coca comsumption has been increasing at Europe, and people think it is just a innocent drug, not like the herion. What the coca consumer do not know is they cause a serious environmental and security price for where it origin. If current trend is not control, similar problem might repeat at the tropical Africa.
The snow of Coca
Coca is destroying the biodiversity