Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sharing practices on biodiversity and livelihood impacts of climate change invites people active in the conservation and development community to share resources & collaborate online at its interactive platform. Please take a few minutes to visit our website:
One of our current focus themes is biodiversity and livelihood impacts of climate change: we invite you to become involved and share your experiences. provides a platform for practitioners working on ecosystem management and poverty alleviation. Practitioners can connect with people and organizations, share experiences and find tools and resources, gain easy and timely access to experts and benefit from field-based knowledge and insights.

Ownership, engagement and direct interaction among users are key parameters of the platform. From that perspective the platform has opted for an open and bottom-up approach aimed at establishing an interactive community of practitioners. As of today already more than 675 practitioners are taking part in this network! Be invited to join this network and share your practices via this link

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