Saturday, October 16, 2010

Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance - ACCRA adaptive capacity framework

The Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance has launched the consultation version of the ACCRA adaptive capacity framework. 

ACCRA is an exciting and ambitious consortium working to improve our understanding of adaptive capacity. We have developed an innovative 'adaptive capacity framework' which we are consulting on, and we are currently using it as a conceptual tool for research on existing Disaster Risk Reduction, Social Protection and Livelihoods programme interventions in Ethiopia, Uganda and Mozambique. 

The ACCRA framework has the potential to be used in a number of different contexts, and for a range of purposes - for example to mainstream climate change adaptation, for design or evaluation purposes. We are already looking at how it can be used in ACCRA members' policy and programming work, but our ambition is for it to be used much more widely.  We have already consulted extensively with governments, civil society members and of course ACCRA members in Ethiopia, Uganda and Mozambique on our framework. We would now like to hear your views! Please click here to download the consultation document and follow the guidance to send us your comments. 

To find out more about ACCRA, join the ACCRA community at and receive updates on our research findings, our policy recommendations and the evolution of our adaptive capacity framework.   

ACCRA is funded by DFID, the Department for International Development. 

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